Life advice books can often be highly overrated phenomenon’s. You think of someone who is a wannabe Tony Robbins, trying hard to get their fifteen minutes and more than fifteen bucks at dispensing cheap literary parlor tricks, plus pop psychology. Author John Feloni seems aware of this, and because of that he displays a rare, affable humility and sense of fun. Since Feloni clearly believes wholeheartedly in what he’s promoting, you get the sense he’s able to just enjoy himself as a writer.


That makes the read in of itself, titled The Covenant Secret: The 7 Master Keys to Wisdom and Wealth, much more ideologically delectable as an experience. A lot of self-help books can feel somewhat laborious, even the good ones. But the tonality and pacing of Covenant Secret is quick-witted and irreverent. Take, for instance, the title of the book’s second chapter – It’s the People, Stupid! Sometimes it’s good to just throw it on without any varnish, as Feloni repeatedly demonstrates.

Another aspect of the read driving this quality home is Feloni structuring the book like a novel. Similar to the way Dan Millman implemented life lessons in his work Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Feloni displays apt traits not only as an oral and ideological communicator, but as a good, old-fashioned storyteller to boot. “The following…is not true, although many incidents portrayed in it are,” Feloni disclaims at the beginning of the book.” He continues, “I chose a business parable format because of its utility in delivering timeless truths. I also chose fiction for the reason best captured in the words of Oliver Wendell Holmes: ‘History tells lies about real people, fiction tells the truth about imaginary ones.’ Hopefully, I have written a story here that engages and entertains you, and says something that you find useful.”

Probably the part of the read standing out the most to me was in the book’s ninth chapter, titled Community. This is summarized as Where the young man encounters the power of his beliefs, Feloni writing: “…‘A community investment, when well thought out, can be strategic to the business…f you do this properly, you will learn that you can do well by doing good. Proper treatment of a company’s customers, employees, partners, and the communities where it does business is the best way to serve the interest of the business’ owners/investors—of this I am sure. I would not promote using corporate assets for purely altruistic reasons.


That would violate a business leader’s fiduciary responsibility. It must make business sense to do so, and my experience is that it certainly does.’” It’s through these pearls of wisdom, communicated through fully fleshed-out and three-dimensional characters, that Feloni makes the giving and sharing of ideas and hard knocks feel effortless. Part of why the titular ‘keys’ really feel like ideological keys is because of the way they’re so easily implemented and peppered throughout the read. The fact Feloni makes it entertaining is yet another feather in the cap.

Garth Thomas