You write your own music which is so cool. What is your writing process like? 

Most of the music I write is a reflection of some internalized idea or fascination I’ve experienced or am feeling. I channel a lot of my character in my compositions and use this to drive and create a song. The actual music aspect starts by playing around with different chords, rhythms, and sounds until something starts to take shape. Sometimes a basic chord progression, other times with a drum beat or a catchy riff.

If we were riding in your car with you – who would be playing through the speakers? 

I am the biggest Madison Beer fan. I can probably recite every single one of her songs. Blasting her music and driving with the windows down is so therapeutic to me! 

Dream artist you would love to work with? 

Renne Rapp is one of the most talented musicians in the industry. She has such a beautiful voice and such a unique sound, I think working with her would be an inspiring and creatively enriching experience. 

What are your plans for the rest of the year? Any plans to release new music? 

Yes! I am releasing a new song in the near future and plan to keep producing songs for as long as possible. I love creating music and I hope that listeners will enjoy it as much as I do. 

I know everyone reading will want to – so tell us where can we keep up with you on socials and see what you have coming up next?

My instagram and tiktok user is @lenaphammusic. Thank you so much