Born in 1976 in Antalya, Turkey, Sinem Yazici studied Public Relations and Advertising and then achieved a successful 15-year international advertising career. Along the way, she discovered a passion for photography.  After taking a class in Instanbul, she came to New York to complete her photographic training at the New York Film Academy. 

Sinem works in both countries. She won the silver “Kristal Elma” award, the most prestigious advertising award in Turkey. She is currently available for freelance fashion and advertising photography in Istanbul and New York. 


Hello, Sinem. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. Tell me – what inspired you to become a fashion photographer? 


Hi David. Thank you for having me! 

I was in advertising for 15 years before I became a photographer. I worked as an Account Director at several creative agencies like Saatchi & Saatchi, Young & Rubicam, Ogilvy, and TBWA. Then I got a job offer from my client and became an Advertising Manager at the age of 29.

During those 15 years in advertising, I was able to attend a lot of photo shoots as a client which made me realize that I wanted to become a photographer.

My ever-growing interest in photography finally found its way to a photography class in Istanbul. That started a whole new chapter which took me to New York to complete my photography training at the New York Film Academy. After graduating, I went back to Istanbul and started assisting one of the most famous photographers in Turkey. And after a year, I decided to go back to New York to build a portfolio.


You are also a Casting Director and Director. What provoked you to add those titles to your name?


After I moved to New York, I started reaching out to modeling agencies to ask for models for my photo shoots. I was shooting 3-4 times a week, so my consistent relationship with the models’ agents became strong over the years. Then I started doing castings … not only for my own shoots but for other photographers and designers for their runway shows during New York Fashion Week. 

I started directing my videos a couple of years ago, when clients started asking for both photos and videos because of all the social media apps. Combining my experience in advertising with photography helps a lot when I’m directing, and I’m loving it!  


What have you learned about yourself in sharing your creativity? 


Even though I believe in my work, I still question it before sharing. I think, this is what most artists do.
When you shoot, you think you have a great shot. When you’re retouching, you still think it’s great. But at some point, you start questioning whether it’s good or not until you get all the likes and great comments.


What has been the most challenging in your work? 


I’m not only the photographer. I also produce my own shoots. I’m also the Casting Director, Retoucher and Brand Manager at most times.

So when I get a gig, I work for almost a month to complete it. I think, that’s the most challenging part: I have to take care of all the details, not just the creation.


What is your biggest source of inspiration? 


Beautiful locations and movies are my main inspirations.

When I’m not shooting, I do a lot of location scouting and watch movies.


It takes a lot of courage to pick and move to New York from Turkey. Did you have any fears in moving? 


At first, I was very excited to be back in my favorite city because I wasn’t planning to stay this long. 
But as I started building my portfolio, I started to think about moving here. That’s when I started having fears about surviving in this super competitive city. It hasn’t been easy as a freelance photographer who started her second career at the age of 35 in a different country, but I managed to stay alive since 2012. It was my biggest dream to live in New York and it’s still hard to believe that my dreams came true.


What do you wish you could improve in yourself?


I wish I was less sensitive. I can’t help myself from absorbing negative energy around me. That sometimes kills my excitement, especially on sets.  


If you could change one thing in the industry you’re in, what would it be?


In fashion, it’s mostly about who you know. I wish it was more about what you create.


What is something you always wanted to do but never had a chance to?


I think, I’m good at turning dreams into reality even though it takes time.


What advice do you have for people struggling to make it in the entertainment industry?


You just need to believe in yourself, be brave, be consistent, work hard and be open to all the possibilities this city offers… 


Thank you for your time. Any words of wisdom to all the readers?


Never lose hope, anything is possible….

Thank you, David!

To contact Sinem:

Email: [email protected]
US phone: 
+1 914 434 5717