“In Spirit and Truth” is the latest single from innovative Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) band Not Ashamed. One of Not Ashamed’s goals is to make music that doesn’t sound like cut and dry CCM, they seek to push the genre by fusing their music with rock melodies and funk influences. “In Spirit and Truth” melds the captivating power of the electric guitar with powerful lyrics about Christian faith, giving a fresh take on what rock worship can sound like. Not Ashamed expertly crafts a song that shows off the groups musical talents, artistry, and devotion. “In Spirit and Truth” follows the same nature of its creator by never doing what you think its going to, resulting in something completely original.

Its not often that you hear bagpipes in a song, let alone a rock worship song, but Not Ashamed found a way to effortlessly include them into “In Spirit and Truth.” The track opens with the shrill crooning of the bagpipes that transport you to another world that looks a lot like Scotland or Ireland. From there, the song seems to rise with every lyric and riff of the guitar. The drums are lively and keep the ascendant nature of “In Spirit and Truth” going while the bagpipes sing in the background. Backing vocals echo lead singer Richard Varno’s hearty voice creating an effect that is difficult to put into words. All of these layers come together to create a feeling of elevation during the chorus, transporting “In Spirit and Truth” from the highlands to another realm.

Not Ashamed excels in blending different sounds and influences to make “In Spirit and Truth” sound familiar not foreign. “In Spirit and Truth” is brought to life by the energized electric guitar that seems to celebrate music itself. While you may have never expected to hear bagpipes and electric guitar on the same track, it’s a combination that stay’s with you long after you listen. In fact Not Ashamed has created a sound that is truly one of a kind. There’s a freshness about “In Spirit and Truth” that makes you want to listen to it again and again. Along with the fact that “In Spirit and Truth” makes you feel uplifted and joyous by the end of it. Rock music has the ability to get your blood pumping and create classic riff’s that get stuck in our heads, Not Ashamed took this trait of rock and blended it with faith.

“In Spirit and Truth” feels like a live recording of the track simply because of how much life and emotion Not Ashamed performs with. Bagpipes, electric guitar, rich vocals, and drums create the perfect setting for Not Ashamed’s lyrics to cut deeper. One of my favorite lyrics that’s supported by the rising melody is, “Come and search my heart as I seek your face.” Varno’s performance is honest and captivating as he sings his worship. Its hard to say what causes the profundity of “In Spirit and Truth.” Is it the lyrics alone? The ascendant melody? Varno’s performance? I would argue that its all of the above. “In Spirit and Truth” is a true amalgamation of talent and ideas. When combined they result in a deeply moving and profound song. “In Spirit and Truth” is made up of many layers that you can hear the more you listen to it, its in no way a one dimensional track. It is as dynamic as it comes and so is Not Ashamed.

“In Spirit and Truth” is a single off of Not Ashamed’s upcoming album, set to release sometime this year. This track has me wondering what the rest of their album is going to be like and what style of music the band is going to adhere to, if any. Not Ashamed has nothing but a bright and exciting future ahead of them, “In Spirit and Truth” is proof of that. Not Ashamed is going to continue taking CCM to new heights while bringing faith and innovative music to their audience. Check out “In Spirit and Truth” out now!

Garth Thomas