Nicole M. Sahin is one of those rare nonfiction communicators who can make the material she’s promoting feel interesting to just about anyone. A core trait to this ability is her making even the most intellectually exclusive concepts feel presented in a conversational tone.


The book conjures to mind sitting with her in a restaurant, with a nice glass of red wine, talking business. There’s no sense of flintiness or other form of cold removal. Sahin wants you to feel enthused about what she’s talking about, she wants you to care on a dynamic and personal set of levels. In many ways, Global Talent Unleashed: An Executive’s Guide to Conquering the World isn’t just a step-by-step breakdown for how business leaders manage internationally-based, remote operations. It’s a love letter to cultures, creativity, and embracing an increasingly chameleonic future landscape.

This is evidenced by how she focuses as much on the left-brain aspects of said management, as much as on her sense of consciousness and conscientiousness with respect to cultural and behavioral adaptations. This applies even to our neighbors in the north. “Whereas Americans have a very direct communication style that leaves little room for misinterpretation, Canadians are a little softer in how they approach conversations. They are more likely to provide some context for their request or response, rather than jumping in to assert their preferences,” Sahin writes. Utilizing Canada as a specific example in stark juxtaposition to the US: “Setting up and managing a legal entity in Canada is more complicated than one might expect, primarily due to the web of tax regulations that come into play between the U.S. and Canada and between Canadian federal law and provincial law.

Should you prefer to go the traditional entity setup route, getting a lawyer experienced in U.S./Canadian tax law to advise on the appropriate corporate structure is strongly recommended. In addition, managing GST (goods and services tax) may be necessary for your Canadian entity as well as your U.S. business. Incorporating and hiring people directly in Canada requires strong local support and is not as straightforward as one would expect.”

This is also reflected in her meditations on the specifics inherent to certain Asian cultures. Exploring the length of rope, as someone fairly worldly would expect, means very different things dependent on place and cultural mores. “Companies that don’t choose to use a global employment platform go the more traditional route of registering their company for business in every jurisdiction where they do business. About 90 percent of the time, the first trigger for ‘doing business’ in a new jurisdiction is the hire of the first employee in that location.


The step-by-step process of setting up a business location in another country can vary greatly. In some countries, the process is simple and straightforward, and in others, lengthy and convoluted,” she writes. “…the opportunities that exist today are far greater than even five years ago, and now companies of all sizes can take advantage of those opportunities. No longer do you need to run a Fortune 500 corporation in order to be able to do business internationally or to hire talent outside the U.S. Any organization of any size can quickly expand its footprint far beyond the U.S., and it’s typically easier than executives expect.”

Garth Thomas