Big welcome to Kathy Sabol. She is a talented writer and musician. Kathy, tell us a little about yourself. What inspired you to get started in the music industry?
I’ve always enjoyed music as a form of self-expression and a way to connect with others by sharing experiences of love, loss, heartbreak and navigating change. During my teen years, I could turn on the radio or spin an album and feel comforted, validated, and understood, even when my parents and friends had no idea about what I was going though. I started writing my own songs. But then “life” happened and like so many creative people tend to do, I shoved my dreams into a big box in the corner of my bedroom closet in favor of pursuing more “realistic” opportunities. Over the years, the box changed locations, and I kept thinking there will be time enough “later” for the artistic pursuits.
But then, the unexpected happens, and your total perception changes. For me, it was 2020. Societal and political upheaval, isolation, relationships lost (through death or differences of opinion) and months of personal reflection pushed me to peer into the box, and ask myself “Is all of this just going to be buried someday?” Every human heart has been given a divine spark to help set this world on fire and we can’t hold back due to the fear of not being accepted. Individuality is precious. Life is short.
I love how the music industry has evolved so that any person, at any age or skill level can release content with the possibility of touching millions of viewers. But even if only a handful of people ever hear my songs, at least I know that I’ve done my part by setting them free from “the box”.
You have a single out titled “Here” tell us more about the song and why you chose to release this one?
I lost both of my parents in 2020 within four months of each other. Married for 61 years, the two people who walked with me through the entirety of my life were now gone. I felt like an orphan. Holidays were suddenly different; so were the next set of birthdays with no more cards to write or flowers to send. Early in November 2022, while sitting at my piano and staring at an old photo of them, I started to hear a melody flowing in my head along with thoughts about the upcoming (third) Christmas without them here. I grabbed my phone and started singing it out. After taking a couple of days to polish the lyrics, I brought it to my producer and recorded a scratch track. We immediately knew that “Here” had a special message to reach people who are missing loved ones, especially during the holidays, and so I decided to not rush the release. The lush strings arrangement by Jacob Hassler required a jazz chord reharmonization to evoke the sentimental feeling of sitting in front of a fireplace on a December night with a cup of hot cocoa while paging through a family album. I wanted to be able to comfort people in their grief and let them know that it’s okay to feel a little sad when everyone else is celebrating. A new video for “Here” (2024) will not be holiday-themed, so the song can reach a wider audience and be suitable for playlists year-round.
Do you have plans for any new music this year? What can you share with us?
Yes. “Belong With You” (single and video) should be out before Valentine’s Day; it’s about a couple taking tentative steps back to each other after a relationship breakup. While friends may be saying it’s a big mistake to get back together, their hearts are telling them otherwise.
2024 just kicked off. What are some of your musical goals for this year?
I plan to continue pumping out singles every 4-6 weeks with the goal of creating a “buzz” for the full-length album, “The Great Divide”, slated for early Summer. The project (two years in the making) narrates the story of a relationship breakup and eventual reconciliation. I’ve been encouraged to develop the storyline in greater depth to make it suitable for musical theater. The idea intrigues me, so more to come on that.
My website highlights the latest news and includes an album “sneak peek” that will grow as new songs come out. Listeners can also find my devotional music projects linked (under the “HeartPsalms” moniker) that are designed for church use. In March, I plan to release “Speak to Me” a modern worship song about struggling to hear God’s voice.
We appreciate you taking the time to chat with us and share more about yourself with our readers. Share all your links where we can listen to your music and learn more about you!
YouTube: @KathySabolMusic
Spotify, Apple Music – Search for “Kathy Sabol”