Influencer GiGi Robison is looking to change the single minded look of what an influencer should look like in 2021 with pivoting her notable IGTV series called “Everything You Need is Within” to Spotify Greenroom. This series was inspired by a conversation led by GiGi about mindfulness, mental health, body image and everything in between.

On the show Gigi talks about her own illness, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. She was diagnosed at the age of 11. Knowing how it feels to live with chronic pain her entire life she has tried medications and physical therapy with no relief. Part of Gigi’s journey is sharing her experience online with her chronic illness, how it affects mental health and body image while also not misleading her audience to try things that could potentially be triggering or harmful to them.  You can catch the series every Friday 8 pm EST on Spotify Greenroom @gigi.  

As the year winds down we had the opportunity to speak with GiGi on the recent pivot:

When did you first know you wanted to become a creative? I have always been creative, up until high school my creativity was fueled by my love of art and photography. Part of that path was my diagnosis of EDS at age12 when I had to quit competitive swimming and the other part is that creativity is inherently a part who I am. After graduating LaGuardia high school, I moved onto deeper critical art theory and design at USC where I used applied research to inform my art.  

Who are some of your top 5 creative influences?

Gosh, there are so many different creatives that I admire…however I would have to stick to my roots as an image maker and hand it to Irving Penn, Sebastio Salgado, Ansel Adams and Annie Leibowitz. I also am heavily influenced by architecture, design and music and can say there are simply too many artists to name

Tell us more about  “Everything You Need Is Within”

Everything You Need Is Within is a live audio show that I host on Spotify Greenroom. The show bridges the gap between questions and conversations that will help to inspire GenZ to grow up more self-aware and confident. As an elder GenZ-er my goal is to facilitate conversations with guests dominating fields of influence in confidence, social media, mindset, and wellness. After listening, the goal is to provide thought leadership so that listeners close out each episode feeling empowered, knowing that Everything You Need Is Within.  

Why did you pivot your podcast to Spotify Greenroom?

I pivoted because I knew my show needed to be taken into another realm, a new space, an untapped opportunity for live audio.  As I re-strategized, I partnered with Spotify for their newest platform Greenroom. The verticals that are on the platform focus on pop culture drivers, sports and lifestyle content which makes it the number one live audio app, in my eyes…or should I say ears!  

What do you like most about being a podcaster/talk show host?

I enjoy all of the conversations that I get to have; both with my guests and with my audience. Chatting with followers about episode highlights and building a global community that is empowered by my show, is the most exciting and rewarding thing for me.

What episode(s) from “Everything You Need Is Within” stands out for you? And Why?

I love all of the conversations that I have with my guests because they touch people in a variety of fields including mental health, body image, social media, wellness which all fall under self help. The reason why I host discussions in a variety of professional and personal verticals is so listeners can choose what to listen to based on what mood they are in and what they want to learn about… therefore I don’t have a favorite episode I love all my guests.

What’s the best concert you’ve been to?  

The best concert that I have been to may have been in 2017 at Fire Fly Music Festival seeing Rainbow Kitten Surprise. It always surprises people but Rock is my favorite genre of music, and that includes alt rock, indie rock or classic rock!

What are your goals for the podcast.

The goals for the show are to be in the top 5 GenZ produced and directed podcast series. Eventually, the vision for this show is to be a talk show where the audience interacts and can ask questions to me and my guests, streamed and produced with a major network.  In a world where we consume so much media focused on self-deprecation, I want and know my show can shed light and positivity for so many people. This show has the potential to help so many people as long as they are open to shifting their mindset. Each episode gives the listeners tangible thought leadership that will make them aware of changes they can make in their present life. Whether that is starting a new business venture, posting something on social, self-advocating for their health or wellness, this show will steer you in the right direction.

Who are your dream guests, and why?

Some of my dream guests are Selena Gomez because of her commitment to mental health, experience with a chronic illness, starting rare beauty and so much more, Lizzo because of the way she pushes back on body image standards and cultivates a community on her platforms outside of her music career and Drew Barrymore because of her give back commitments, own tv network and because she’s one of my favorite actresses.

What tips would you give one wanting to start their own podcast?

Put together a plan, a list of topics, a list of guests and figure out the logistics later… if you don’t start somewhere, you never will get it out there. Making sure that you are creating a show to ultimately heal yourself is another aspect of podcasting that I think a majority of people create them for. For example – everything you need is within – is a show I wish I was able to listen to growing up… now I can help others do the same.

Where can we find you online? @itsgigirobinson on all social platforms.

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