German born actor/writer Constantin Augustinus Sieve is taking Hollywood by storm. He began traveling the world at the young age of 16, and having found a love for acting, moved to Los Angeles to study acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.

His recent film “Saudade” is winning awards around the country and is a horror thriller surrealist drama.
“Saudade” synopsis: A dancer faces a ghost of her past and has to come out victorious to find her true self once again.

The film was directed by Josie Hill, written and starring Gica Pucca and Constantin Augustinus Sieve.
Other recent films include the award-winning film “Lights”, “A Little Strange”, “Glass Walls”, “The Great American Chicken Leg”, “Terrificman” and Quill and Flame Publishing House: Crowns”.

Constantin Augustinus Sieve currently has several films making the festival circuit, and is in demand as a leading man in feature due to his amazing talent and striking good looks. Follow his journey to becoming a household name in America.
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Photo Credits: Cory Wood