Brickwall Jackson went on to release their proud to be American record called Big Orange Guitar. They bring 10 rockabilly tracks together in just 33 minutes. The album covers a range of emotions and sounds. From anger, to love, happiness, pride, and all the way down to the pains of struggling through life. Big Orange Guitar has a unique upbeat sound that really brought out the “in your face!”

They start the album off with “Big Orange Guitar”, a true rockabilly song. With it rockin’ riff and comedic statements, “B.O.G.” really sets the mood for the rest of the album. Each verse encapsulates that they love what they do, and you can’t tell them any different. It’s no nonsense in its simplest yet most fun form. With its catchy words, simple rhythm, and sweet guitar lick, you’ll be cutting a rug in no time

They keep the energy high and going, all the way to track four with “Get Off My Lawn.” This song features Russell Williford from Gene Vincent and the Blue Caps. Together they brought the rockabilly in this track. It really brings a dance hall feel with a splash attitude. You can tell how proud they are to be themselves. If you don’t like it, Get Off Their Lawn.

As the album goes deeper, it starts heading towards a darker place, with track six “Ol’ Scratch.” With lyrics about fighting off your demons, and how they keep coming back if you let them. The song comes from a dark place itself, and you can feel the fear in the battle. Almost feels like an old Metallic tune throughout most of the track. Once you get past your demons, Brickwall Jackson brings you back to a slow calm with a very southern ballad “The Bricks.” This tune feels like an old drinking anthem. They keep it slow and steady until ending the album with “May You Remain.” As a girl with a love for some pop punk, this song has such an Our Lady Peace vibe with that country twist.

By the end of the album, Brickwall Jackson has made you feel a range of emotions. Makes you feel like drinking a beer on the porch, take a long drive with the windows down and music up real loud, and even a little touch of emotion. Either way you’ll be left feeling proud of who you are and where you’re going. Brickwall Jackson is dang proud of who they are. If you aren’t down with that, “You can suck on his big Ole’ Orange Guitar!” 

Ryan Michelle Drake