Hi Elio Quest! Thank you for speaking with me! 

Tell us about your latest release!

My latest release is actually my first release!!! My debut album titled, “Harlem, Ca” will be released later this year.. The album is inspired by living bi coastal. Living in NYC as well as spending so much time in Los Angeles has brought the best of both sides to the inspiration table. 

What was the creative process for it?

The creative process for the record actually started years ago in Los Angeles. I had written a ton of songs with my producer, yet, I was more focused on the musician side of things, as well as going through specific life challenges. This causing the songs to be on the “back burner”, so to say. It wasn’t until quarantine times in NYC, where my cousins knocked me upside my head and told me that the world needs to hear this music. So, I finished writing the album in NYC. Which is where the title comes from. 

Who are some of your biggest musical influences?

Some of my biggest musical influences are The Roots, Jay Dilla, Steely Dan, The Beach Boys and any musician stemming from the Funk Brothers in Detroit (Motown). 

Who would be a dream collaboration for you?

I think if Post Malone and myself hopped in the studio it would be a riot 

Do you have a piece of advice you carry with you that you like to pass on to other musicians?

KEEP… IT… MOVING. Don’t ever stop. Music is ageless. Choose your lane and GO!

Any upcoming projects we should be on the lookout for?

Harlem, Ca coming very, very soon!

Please let everyone know where they can keep up with you and your music!

My website is elioquest.com and on any social media you can find me @Elio Quest

Thank you for your time!

Thank you!

End of Interview