One of the top self-help/entertainment podcasts available right now is “The Ask Mike Show” which can be seen on various digital platforms including iHeart Radio, Stitcher, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, and others. Broadcast from Spain, the British born host makes his guests feel welcomed and gives his audience an interesting and entertaining hours worth of content. Using zoom he comes in loud and clear and has a cool way of conversing with his interviewees. After being a guest on his show myself I turned the tables and shard questions and answers with Mike in order to make the planet aware of “The Ask Mike Show.”
What inspired you to create “Ask Michael?”
My podcast “The Ask Mike show” actually started out as “The ROAR Show” and was a success story podcast based around overcoming adversity. Over the years, I got more confident in myself and who I was which made me feel ok about having my name attached to the name of the podcast. The Ask Mike Show came about after thinking “How could I best help the listeners?” and I came up with an entertaining self-improvement show that answers questions.

What do you look for in a guest?
Guests need “something”… a spark that gives the listeners something that can improve their life in some way as a result of listening.
What is the premise of your show and how can we see the episodes?
My mission with the show is changing the world, one person at a time; and understanding that if we all improve a little every day, everyone benefits.
You can check out the major platforms the podcast is on at
Who were some of your favorite interviews and why?
My favorite episode is always going to be episode one; my very best friend, my inspiration, and the person that encouraged me to start my show all those years ago. Jane has been on my show multiple times and inspires me every day.
What are your biggest challenges and triumphs?
My biggest challenges with the show was getting guests initially and I had made the process so long and drawn out that I stopped enjoying the show and actually took a “break” from recording or publishing episodes for a few weeks in the past. After making the adjustments to how I book and record my shows, I restarted and I’ve never looked back.

My biggest triumphs are interviewing people that I used to idolize and follow initially and being able to actually speak to them was quite the personal achievement.
Who are your greatest influences?
My greatest influences in podcasting are Joe Rogan, Tim Ferriss and Lewis Howes. All have amazing shows and they motivated me to think that maybe I could have a podcast too.
Where do you hope to be in five years?
In five years, I would hope to have a show in the top 10 charts of self-improvement and entertainment, regular well-known guests and possibly even an offline show with a live audience.