I admire Rusty Komori’s altruistic embracing of superiority. It’s a welcome relief from the over self-deprecating nature we see these days. It’s not about unfairness, it’s about embracing one’s full potential, without exception and without apology. As Komori says to christen the beginning of the book, Be superior! “I feel fortunate to have had a perfect streak when I coached 22 varsity tennis teams, leading them to win 22 consecutive State Championships.

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rustykomori/

During this process, I developed a repeatable system for superior performance. Superior is a playbook with a proven system for you and your team to go beyond good to great and become superior leaders. It’s a guideline with powerful concepts to help you attain phenomenal results in business, sports, and life,” Komori writes, introducing us to the tenets and mores of Superior: Creating a Superior Culture of Excellence. “Let’s take a quick preview of the five sections in this book. First, having the right mindset is the most critical step in setting you on the correct path toward accomplishing your goals…Second, leadership can seem complicated and oftentimes complex…Third, we will explore the 4 P’s of Achieving Success as a framework.

The 4 P’s will enable you to focus clearly on your objectives and accomplish your goals…Fourth, maximizing the 6 Keys for Peak Performance will always put you in a position to win by giving you and your team the ability to constantly perform at an elite level…Fifth, mastering the 8 Keys for Sustaining Success will allow you to have continued accomplishments. It’s definitely a challenge to make it to the top of the mountain and even more to stay there while everyone else is striving to be where you are…Finally, I want to inspire you to be superior. I want to challenge you to be superior as a parent, a son or daughter, a coach or player, a leader or a team member. It’s a mindset.

AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Superior-Creating-Culture-Excellence/dp/1641468386

It’s discipline. It’s superior thinking that leads to superior actions, which leads to superior results. It’s your character. It’s your identity. It’s winning with humility and losing with grace. It’s words and actions of honor, integrity, and respect. It’s a lifestyle that develops your ultimate potential in everything you do in life. It’s not a switch that you turn on and off. It’s a switch that’s on all the time. This is when you surpass being great and enter into the highest realm of superior excellence. This is when you can turn your success into long-lasting significance. Be superior!”

In less competent hands, the book could come across more like Donald Trump and Bill Zanker’s Think Big and Kick Ass: In Business, and in Life. But Komori is fully transparent, and has the fully vetted credentials to boot. He’s effortlessly able to list his accomplishments, and yet most effectively makes it not about him. In showcasing his considerable achievements, Komori never sways from making things about you. It’s a really effective communication game, something that with every revelation about Komori’s own life and professional trajectory never makes him a Mount Everest you feel you can never climb.

Garth Thomas