Thank you for doing our interview! Tell our readers more about how you got started and where you are located!
Thanks for having me! I’ve always been singing and performing and playing the piano. I started writing music when I was 15 and it quickly became the easiest way for me to express myself. This EP is a collection of the life I’ve lived so far. And musically, it was really born out of a lot of experimenting production-wise. I went to Oberlin for college where I studied music and learned a lot. When I graduated, I decided to move to Nashville knowing absolutely no one. It’s home now and I am part of a great community that supports me every step of the way.
Do you believe in Goal Setting or taking it day by day?
Definitely taking it day by day. Goal setting can be overwhelming for me. I do set some goals, or at least I try to define what success will look like for me. Otherwise, the little accomplishments go uncelebrated and it’s easy to feel like progress isn’t being made.
What is your strategy for success?
Hard work, practice, meet as many people as I can, believe in my craft and my art. But above all else: authenticity and dedication to my vision.
Greatest achievement so far?
This EP is a huge achievement!! I worked with my best friend, Daniel Markus, on it and then it was mixed and mastered by Jonathan Schenke who has worked on some seriously cool records. It was absolutely a dream come true.
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End of Interview