Hello Saahas! Thank you for being here today!
You released an EP last month! Congrats! Will you tell us a bit about it?
Thank you! My new EP is called The Grays. It’s a collection of songs that are very personal to me, that I’ve worked on for a few years now. It was a real labor of love, and I’m very proud of it and excited to share it with the world! It’s been doing the rounds and was recently featured on The Rolling Stone and on Rukus Avenue Radio and it’s been an amazing few weeks!
What was your creative process while you were working on it?
The process is always different when it comes to writing songs, and it was with The Grays as well.
Sometimes it starts with a chord progression or a melody that I let myself sit with for a day or two. If it still makes me excited, then I know I have a good song. I was able to have that happen with ‘When You Fall Apart’ and ‘Love Junkie’.
Sometimes it starts with the lyrics – and California and Glad You Stuck Around had some cool lines that really stood out.
So the process is different and I try not to box myself into strict patterns and routines so I can let the inspiration flow. But what is essential is an exciting idea – everything falls into place when you find one.
If you could describe your music in one word, what would it be?
A hug. That’s what I want my music to be
What does authenticity mean to you in your music?
Everything. It has to come from a real place. My songs are probably the only place I can be completely vulnerable without the unnecessary fears that come with social interaction. So I let it all out and it’s therapeutic and it’s a very rewarding process.
What is a piece of advice you carry with you that you would like to share with your fans?
There’s so much, but here’s one – don’t give the keys to your self-worth to anyone else. You, and you alone, can validate you in an authentic and genuine way. Don’t look for your self-worth anywhere outside of yourself.
Please let our readers know where to find you!
Instagram: @saahas1
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFL-hZmif4wyoKq_aE6hAAQ
Facebook: www.facebook.com/saahas
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/172xDGYopuIQ13F3iYACJd?si=eyZXDrhnSwOiLskk7XV_KA
Thank you for your time!
It’s my pleasure! Thank you for having me!
For Press Inquiries: bsquaredmgmt@gmail.com
End of Interview