You’re such an inspiration Linda and such a talent. Thank you for taking this interview!

What inspired you to get into the music business?

I am a natural born music lover.

All the songs I love or create are the music of the soundtrack of my ongoing life’s moving story. It’s a cure for many emotions and adds joy or heals sorrow on many occasions. It draws no color lines or age restrictions as you hear it on records, radio or live,  it’s main purpose in life. That is to deliver the messages it carries.

I taught myself how to play the piano. I earned 12 years of classical music lessons that taught me how to harmonize parts and help the members of my mom’s church choir. I also love solo & harmony vocals very much.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

When my dad did some carpentry work at the home of the famous producer, Van McCoy (Do The Hustle), I serenaded the crew. As a young girl. Van agreed I had something special but it had not been developed yet. He gave me hope! That hope became fuel to copy my starlets movements and style. They  became my  secret mentors every time I saw them on television and read about them I memorized all I could. I began to imagine I would follow in their footsteps.  I got teased to stop dreaming whenever I told anyone but my sister always believed in me no matter what and that gave me courage. Trying to out do anything my older brothers did that involved my second love for nature and traveling. Doing things I was told  not to try. This helped me believe things impossible were possible. In my imagination I was unstoppable . It kept my mom and her mom praying for me too!

How often are you focusing on your craft?

Quite a bit right now.  I’m always singing, writing and working hard on my solo career Including vocal lessons, working out, designing outfits and keeping up with all my fans. I am also rehearsing with a great band and in the recording studio making music. But with all the success I had selling 9 million albums with Peaches & Herb and touring the world with #1 hits I needed to define what my family goals meant to me.  I enjoy being  a wife and mother and am concerned about the wellbeing and treatment of those in need . After meeting my producer husband Stephen Tavani  we formed an organization called WOW international to bring hope, joy and purpose to the poorest communities

Now we do Inner city free festivals with a goal to see everyone feel like I did as a kid- Happy ! A day of happiness prizes, and food for the soul as well as their tummy forevermore. It’s called WOW JAM!  Singing and giving back is so rewarding to me.

You have an upcoming single coming up ‘My Grown Up Christmas List’ and we’re excited for its release! November 19th is the date! Are there any last minute changes happening on the track?

My husband, who produced it, decided to put live strings on it and they sound gorgeous! He used the best musicians in a great studio. We always try to use the top most talented people on our projects.

Your upcoming single ‘My Grown Up Christmas List’ will be out everywhere on November 19th and we’re excited for it’s release! Is the track currently still being worked on? When do you know when it’s finally done?

For me it’s not finished until the producer, my husband, Stephen Tavani says it is done. We do our music together . I am calmly excited because it’s a different style for me and I was in on making that decision to do both the song and the style. Hope you all love it as much as I loved doing it!

The song is an Amy Grant remake! What made you choose now to make it in YOUR own unique way?

Amy Grant has always been a blessing to me and I love the way she sang this song. I like trying new ways to relate to a song that I love. I also believe the world needs to hear this song again and hopefully will help bring peace to a troubled society.

The message has never been more important than right now. This Grown up Christmas list has been my life long prayer for our world. I am honored to sing a David Foster song

I have always wanted to sing songs that can lead to love and reunite those who get a second chance to have it last forever.

Was there any collaboration when it came to the single?

There is so much that goes into making a great recording. It starts with a talented and intuitive producer and that is my husband Stephen. We then chose to hire a brilliant pianist and arranger Bill Cantos to help put the band together and arrange the music. John ferraro on drums, Hussain Jiffry on bassan and an extra special touch with Tony Guerrero playing a wonderful flugelhorn part. I was very proud that Stephen decided to have our nephew Daniel Tavani who is at The Berkeley School of Music in Boston to arrange and play the strings along with 3 other students.  The Hideaway  studio was the perfect place to record with the meticulous engineer and owner Eric Astor. Needless to say it was a dream setting to sing my vocals and I am very happy the way they turned out. Everybody has a role and is important.  Stephen slipped in a secret little melody played by the flugelhorn right at the end.  I wonder if people can recognize what it is. 

Will there be a release celebration when the time comes?

Of course . It’s a surprise!

Where are you most excited to perform the single?

I am performing at The Vibrato jazz & grill on November 10th and I will be debuting it that night.
  I’m also doing a guest appearance at a gala honoring notable film and cinema celebrities over the Christmas Holiday.

I have a brand new EP with 4 songs that I love. It will be released in 2022. We are also doing a video for this Christmas single. Concert tours are being set up now for next year and I have been approached by a major publishing company to write a book about my life. We are also planning large WOW JAM outreaches in cities next year.

Is there anything else that you’re up to that you want to share with us about?

Please share all your socials and links to any projects so we can keep up with YOU!

You can find everything through this link!

End of Interview
