Hello Laura! Thank you for speaking with me today!
You recently released your song ‘Reverberate’! Will you tell us a bit about it?
Sure! It’s a sultry r&b pop song about that moment right before you kiss someone. We all have those butterflies in our stomach when we are really into someone. Sometimes, the lust becomes too much! I wanted to capture that feeling of undeniable connection in a song.
What was the song writing process for it?
This is definitely based on a real life experience I had with someone. The connection was unbelievable and I couldn’t help but write about it.
Who are some of your biggest musical influences?
My musician father sure taught me well. I grew up with Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, James Brown etc etc. I love music with soul!
Who would be a dream collaboration for you?
Bruno Mars!
Do you have a mantra or piece of advice you carry with you that you like to pass on to other musicians?
I always tell people to keep their mind clear and keep an eye on the prize. I have always followed my own heart in this wild music business. I never wanted to create music that wasn’t genuine to my soul. I always maintain a positive attitude because life is too short. I think it’s our responsibility as entertainers to set a good and positive example on our platforms.
Any other upcoming projects we should be on the lookout for?
Yes! My Christmas album, ‘Let’s Get Together For Christmas’ will be out with So Bold Ent/Sony Orchard December 1st! The EP ‘Reverberate’ will follow into the new year. Please also stay tuned for the half animated music video for ‘Reverberate’ single dropping soon!
Please let everyone know where they can keep up with you and your music!
URL: lauracheadle.com
Thank you for your time!
For Press Inquiries- bsquaredmgmt@gmail.com
End of Interview