“My RAD Career” is a roller coaster ride through Hollywood in the 1980s as seen through the eyes of one of the cult figures of the era, Bill Allen (star of the... Read More...
Author, poet, screenwriter, and cybersecurity expert Emilio Iasiello talks about his new book “Attrition” (from Beacon Publishing at https://www.bea... Read More...
“Ringo has that special ability to be insightful, analytical, and fun, all at the same time.” -Rene Carayal, Reviewer.
Solving the Productivity Puzzle sprin...
Toward the early-middle of the book Arian shares her reason for writing the book. Having been cut from a career in video, she hadn’t believed she could or woul... Read More...
Empowered to lead? That’s the phrase that ran through my mind as I read this book by Jill Ratliff. She has it all together, and then I realized she really didn... Read More...
Ask any five year old what their superpower is and they’ll say, “I know everything.” Okay… Maybe they won’t say it, but they think they do – until they start a... Read More...
Score keepers never change the game. This one profound viewpoint is visible when anyone realizes the failure of a society is numerical in nature. The numbers g... Read More...
Sean Conley isn’t a household name in the annals of American football akin to Tom Brady, but he nevertheless pushed through to the uppermost levels of this pro... Read More...
Fresh insights on workplace creativity and how to develop competency when it might be lacking. When people lack creativity from personal development, the proce... Read More...
Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, a Certified Speaking Professional who helps organizations harness the power of introverts, has authored a new book on the topic. Her pr... Read More...