There’s art and there’s entertainment. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, there’s both.

We’re lucky with Hourstone. The thoughtful and intelligent composer has served notice before that he plants his flag in an exciting netherworld where songs achieve the standard of enduring art while still providing listeners with tremendous entertainment value. His new single “My Sorceress” continues his string of songs rife with deep feeling and ferocious intellect. He’s conceptualized and filmed a superb music video, as well, to complement the track.


He has sharp instincts for choosing collaborators. His female counterpart in the video is exactly who I envision as Hourstone’s second based on my hearing of the song and she manifests a tangible presence throughout the clip. The eye-catching use of light and shadow throughout the song’s video is another strength of the promotional clip and even the more arcane touches, such as the runes featured at the clip’s end, are well in keeping with the overall mood of the clip.

It’s an excellent choice for the song. Of course, it’s the song that brings us here, prompts me to write the review, and remains the central focus of Hourstone’s creative act. He’s crafted a gorgeous musical piece that sweeps us into its world from the start and glides through our consciousness with effortless skill. Hourstone has a gift for writing songs that get under your skin via surreptitious methods, but they are always honest. He rarely follows an A-B-C-D path for writing his works and this makes each encounter with his songs a memorable experience for me. I always know he’s going to serve up something different.

The words come across crystal clear in this setting and possess a percussive quality that illustrates how Hourstone writes for the music rather than compartmentalizing the work. Balancing that with conveying a strong message is another factor separating Hourstone’s work from others who seemingly can only address a single side of the ledger rather than adopting a broad-based approach.

There’s a definite theatrical slant defining this work. It doesn’t, however, dilute the song and make it sound overly stagy. It creates a musical world, however, where emotions are heightened, moments are invariably always pivotal, and the music seethes with passion rather than operating a step removed from the listener. Accomplishing all of this in the relatively succinct running time that “My Sorceress” boasts is a feather in Hourstone’s cap.

The supernatural/magical imagery utilized in both the song and video could be a needless affectation and distraction, but Hourstone does not rely on it. Humanity is the foundational element of this song, and it bursts with that through every second of his new single. It checks off all of the necessary boxes though and never left me wanting more. Hourstone has enjoyed rousing successes, but there’s little question in my mind that his latest release “My Sorceress” is his most substantial achievement yet and certain to endure his entire career and beyond. Stand up and applaud, listeners, because this is an epic offering. 

Garth Thomas