Tanya Mezh’s singing career has soared since her 2019 debut, and the bevy of single releases to her credit grows with each passing year. Her latest outing “Wanderlust” attests to her continued growth. Mezh is only fifteen, but she already has a veteran feel for exploiting a song’s potential. It’s born from her early exposure to live performance, she first took the stage when she was only six years old, and her intuitive understanding of what audiences and listeners desire has helped propel her.

You can hear that intuitive understanding throughout “Wanderlust”. Mezh threads her singing into the fabric of the arrangement rather than dominating the performance, but she exudes unmistakable authority every second. It’s uncanny to hear such a young singer come across with such maturity. It’s a hallmark of a transformative talent growing by leaps and bounds with each new outing. Consider how far she’s come in five years and it should stagger you.

The lyrics are surprisingly sophisticated in both their command of English and their adult point of view. Mezh never sounds out of depth tackling them. The production approaches the piece as a whole rather than focusing on individual components, and framing the song with a robust sonic identity ensures it will reach the largest possible audience. Mezh takes no shortcuts toward realizing the track’s promise. Her collaborators serve her well without obscuring how essential she is to a successful result.

It’s notable how the song has appeal extending far past young listeners. Even adult pop fans will feel satisfied by Mezh’s treatment of the material. She cites modern icons such as Billie Elish among her influences, and that focus on crafting a song with contemporary appeal never risks imitation. The fact that she’s emerging with such a definable identity, both as a performer and interpreter of material, at such a young age marks her as an immense talent.

It’s impossible to guess where she’ll move next. “Wanderlust” evidences continued growth and makes it apparent she’s capable of anything within the pop music world. The single is already enjoying notable success with a #40 showing on the iTunes US Pop Chart for the week of May 20th. There’s a good chance for it to rise even higher in the coming days and weeks. This may prove to be the moment when Tanya Mezh breaks through into the American market in a bolder way than ever before.

It is richly deserved, if so. Everything is coming together for this prodigiously talented singer, performer, and actress. Her talents transcend borders and connect with universal experiences of being young, searching, and full of desire. “Wanderlust” is a modern pop song that curries favor with more than just casual fans – it will resonate with hardcore music devotees. Everyone loves her skill and passion. However, her discipline provides added accelerant for her rocket rise in the pop world, and she’s ready to break into the stratosphere. If we’re ready to follow her, it will be a thrilling ride, and worth every second.  

Garth Thomas