Manny Skevofilax cuts through the ideological, presentational, and proverbial BS to provide a business and leadership advice guide that’s unusually concise, bell-clear, and doesn’t feel like any part of it is having you on. That’s a rare thing these days. Businesses seem to thrive from a marketing perspective on having you on, taking spin right to the edge of outright lies.


Duplicity is in, and it’s all thanks to the digitization of the workplace. In a world where utilization of the worldwide web for access can lead to surprising loopholes and, in certain cases, outright organizational anarchy, Skevofilax just lays it all out – methodically and precisely. The pages of Ultimate Profit Management aren’t about trying to lord the achievements and facets of a successful businessman above the reader. Rather, Skevofilax does what no one these days does, he makes you feel like you can join the party.

The read is actually empowering. Business and leadership advice books usually display a healthy amount of chest-beating and ego insulation on behalf of the bonafide and self-proclaimed experts writing them. Often what should be an exercise in selflessness and relaying of information becomes the opposite, something where the reader has to sift between the lines of high-handed, and sometimes pretentiously misleading dialogue. But this is harder to do when you’re tackling a specific topic within business management, and it’s something Skevofilax avoids by making the read straightforward. The risk that comes with this is that the narrative in and of itself will be dry, which it is, so Skevofilax compensates by clear communication skills, and a really good sense of pace.

His matter-of-factness is also highlighted with a genuine earnestness, particularly dedicating the book to his parents. “This book is dedicated to the memory of my Mother and Father, who immigrated to America from the island of Karpathos, and gave me the

opportunity to pursue the American Dream,” he says.

He also writes, “Over the course of my career as a banker and business consultant, I have seen many examples of businesses that were doing just ‘fine.’ They were profitable and growing slowly, but surely. Then, one day, the business owner decided that it wasn’t enough anymore to simply grow slowly…They began to try to grow the business and in a short period of time, a profitable and thriving business became unprofitable…Have you ever heard a story like this before? Maybe not, because these sad stories are not popular and don’t appear in the news too often. They are not exciting like the stories that talk about rapid growth! It doesn’t have to be

this way. There is a more effective way to grow your business without causing it to become unprofitable. And that’s why I wrote this book.”


Through this kind of affable, no-nonsense prose, Skevofilax succeeds in seeming like a wholly reliable guide. Citing aforementioned, in an era where it seems like duplicity thrives, books like Ultimate Profit Management can still survive. You don’t need to Sherlock Holmes your way through someone’s ego with Skevofilax, it’s straight truths and methodologies here. That’s to be commended.

Garth Thomas