Behind the colorful facade of Katz the Clown lies a story that stretches beyond the face paint, into a family tradition, local wrestling history, and a life lived on the edge. The man behind the latest incarnation of Katz the Clown is none other than John Kerecz, also known as “Crazy John.” But this isn’t just an ordinary clown tale. It’s one woven into the fabric of a vibrant wrestling legacy, family history, and a touch of mischief.

### A Family Tradition: The Original Katz the Clown

John Kerecz wasn’t the first to don the costume of Katz the Clown; that distinction goes to his mother, Doris. For many years, she played the role of Katz, bringing smiles to children in hospitals and at special events like karate tournaments and community gatherings. She was known for her compassion, and her clowning was a gift to those in need of joy. Doris took Katz to hospital rooms, children’s events, and charity functions, spreading cheer wherever she went. 

For John, growing up in a household where his mother was Katz meant that entertainment, performance, and care for others were always close to his heart. While he would go on to have his own wide-ranging career, from government service to professional wrestling and even running for president, the spirit of Katz the Clown remained a constant in his life.

### A Link to Wrestling History: A Hall and a Broken Sternum

John’s ties to wrestling extend far beyond the ring. His father was the designer of Allentown’s iconic Agricultural Hall, better known as “Ag Hall,” a venue that hosted countless WWF (now WWE) events during the wrestling boom of the 1980s. For John, wrestling wasn’t just a spectator sport—it was in his blood. With a background in high school and college wrestling, John was no stranger to the physical demands of the sport.

It was during his time as a young man that he heard some wrestling promoters were looking for local talent to fill out the cards for some of these events. Intrigued, John tried his hand at professional wrestling, stepping into the squared circle to put his amateur skills to the test in the unpredictable world of entertainment wrestling. He took part in a few matches, but his wrestling journey was abruptly halted after an off-season workout accident. While sparring with a friend’s college wrestling brother, he suffered a broken sternum, an injury that would end his wrestling career before it had a chance to fully blossom.

Today, in his sixties, John bears the physical reminders of his hard-fought battles. Sporting a fake hip and having undergone multiple eye surgeries, he may have left the wrestling ring behind, but his love for the sport is still as strong as ever.

### The Return of Katz: From Hospitals to Wrestling Arenas

The mantle of Katz the Clown didn’t stay with Doris forever. As the years went by, John found himself stepping into the oversized shoes of Katz once again. But this time, Katz had changed. No longer just the friendly, joy-spreading clown of his mother’s era, Katz had developed a bit of an edge—perhaps a reflection of John’s own evolution.

Now, Katz the Clown can be spotted at various sporting events, usually in the front row, causing a little bit of trouble. Far from the purely lighthearted character his mother embodied, Katz is now more mischievous, a playful pest who loves to be part of the action. Whether it’s at local indie wrestling events, celebrity boxing matches, or even major AEW and WWE events, Katz the Clown has become a fixture. Wrestling fans might even spot him on TV, waving to the camera or pestering wrestlers with his clownish antics.

### Katz the Clown: The Legacy Lives On

For wrestlers and fans alike, Katz the Clown is here to stay. His love for wrestling has evolved from competing in the ring to being a larger-than-life figure in the crowd. Whether he’s clowning around at indie wrestling events or catching the action from the front row at a WWE show, Katz is an unforgettable presence. With a family history rooted in performance, a personal background in wrestling, and a playful yet mischievous persona, John Kerecz’s Katz the Clown has become a unique fixture in the world of sports entertainment.

While the world of professional wrestling has evolved over the decades, with new stars and new promotions coming into the spotlight, Katz the Clown remains a beloved reminder of the past—and a spirited part of the present. Whether he’s bringing smiles to fans or ruffling the feathers of the wrestlers in the ring, Katz the Clown, aka Crazy John Kerecz, is living proof that sometimes, the clown is the most entertaining character of them all.

So the next time you’re at a wrestling show or watching on TV, keep an eye out for Katz the Clown. You never know what kind of mischief he’ll be up to next.