When I think of artistic people, I found that they are creative, open, inventive, sensitive, original, perceptive, independent and emotional. Today I am speaking to Emperor Vanity Society who is all that and in knowing him I found that he dislikes structure and rules when expressing himself. He is a legendary fixture in night life and enormously giving person. He is a Renaissance Man, Visual Artist, Model, Actor, Philanthropist and was crowned “Emperor XX of New York” in 2011 by the “Imperial Court of N.Y.”  Read on and learn about one of the kindest people on earth. 


Hello Emperor Vanity, thank you for taking the time to speak with me. You are obviously a very creative and artistic person. Tell me what inspires you?

Emperor Vanity:

Hello David.

I find inspiration everywhere! 

I am perpetually in awe of nature and the universe.

The many patterns, colors, shapes and textures are endless. 

Just look at the flowers, leaves, branches, insects, seashells, feathers, birds nests, cloud formations, animal skins, ocean waves…etc. I could go on and on!

I am greatly inspired by the impact my actions and words have on others.

I strive to encourage individuality, strength, pride and creativity. 


What is your favorite art form?

Emperor Vanity:

I do not have a favorite.

I enjoy all forms of art and creative personal expression. 

Art speaks to my soul, and is vital to my well being.

Art is powerful and eternal. 


Tell me about being an art model, and do you enjoy it?

Emperor Vanity:

I enjoy it very much.

I have posed for everyone from children using crayons to draw me, to art school students and established artists using pencil, ink, pastel, and paint.

Throughout the years, literally thousands of drawings and paintings have been done of me, and…because I am still posing, more works of art keep being made.

I consider it a great honor, and cherish the fact that long after I am gone, the artworks will remain. 


What have you learned about yourself as a philanthropist?

Emperor Vanity:

As a gay boy and during my teenage years, I experienced many difficult times. I am a survivor of bullying, verbal and physical abuse.

I felt that I did not have anyone to turn to for protection, nor did I know of any organizations where I could have gone for help.

I am very thankful for my inner strength and artistic talents which got me through those dark and scary days and nights.

As an adult gay man, I consider it my purpose in life to help those in need, especially organizations supporting LGBTQ+ and arts communities.


You are a spiritual evolutionist. That said, do you believe in God, and do you think there is a heaven and hell? 

Emperor Vanity:

I have studied many different religions and enjoy learning about them. 

I was raised Roman Catholic, and often questioned the teachings. I am a logical thinker and things must make sense to me. I believe in science. I believe in evolution. 

I believe in spiritual and life energy throughout the universe. 

I occasionally go to church, however not for worship. I go for solace and meditative reflection. I enjoy the beauty of the buildings, the stained glass windows, the burning candles, the smell of incense, and the formality of the ceremonies. 

I do not believe in God as the creator, nor do I think there is a heaven and hell. I do not believe that what one does in their lifetime determines where they’ll go after they die.

I feel that everyone should try to be as good a person as they can to each other, this planet, and all that live upon it. 


When it comes to the music industry, is there a particular artist you are influenced by, and who do you think has had the biggest impact on the world? 

Emperor Vanity:

I am a very eclectic person, and my taste in music reflects that.

The music I listen to varies depending on what I’m doing and where I am.

I enjoy a variety of music genre from all parts of the world, 

I can’t single out one person or group. 


If you can go back in time what would you say to your teenage self?

Emperor Vanity:

Be strong. Don’t give up. Your future will be better, and you’ll find your purpose. 


As a supporter of numerous charities, especially those serving LGBTQ+ communities, what do you think charities lack?

Emperor Vanity:

More supporters!

There is “Strength In Numbers”

Together people can bring about positive change, and no act of kindness is too small.

Assistance needn’t necessarily be monetary contributions, although that certainly helps. Volunteering is free!


What do you fear?

Emperor Vanity:



What advice do you have for people struggling to live their truth?

Emperor Vanity:

Be brave!

Be proud of who you are, and not afraid to show it.

While not everyone will understand or be accepting, there are many who will be supportive and stand beside you.

Those are the people to surround yourself with. 

You live one life and you deserve to be happy.

Be the person you are meant to be, the person you were born to be!


Do you have any guilty pleasures?

Emperor Vanity:

I have many pleasures. None of which I feel guilty about. 


If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?

Emperor Vanity:

I realize this sounds cliché, however…if I had the power to change one thing in the world, it would be that we all live in peace. 


Thank you for your time. Any words of wisdom to all the readers?

Emperor Vanity:

Let your soul feel what your eyes cannot see, and your actions speak louder than your words. 

It was my pleasure David, and I thank you. 

Photo Credits: Rodin Eckenroth / Sean Zanni