Drew Jones, a seasoned workplace culture expert, challenges the traditional approaches to company culture in his latest book, Open Culture Handbook: Five Questions to Drive Engagement and Innovation. Released by Amplify Publishing on October 3, 2023, this book presents a refreshing perspective that aims to revolutionize the way leaders approach and understand organizational culture.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: http://drewjones.co/

Jones begins by addressing the prevalent issue of flawed assumptions and top-down management strategies that have hindered companies from tapping into their full cultural potential. He argues that the fundamental problem lies in misaligned management practices that view employees as inherently incapable and untrustworthy. By debunking these myths and proposing a mindset shift, Jones sets the stage for a transformative journey towards fostering innovation and growth within organizations.

One of the book’s strengths is its grounding in evolutionary science, providing a solid foundation for the proposed framework. The author believes that by understanding how humans are wired, leaders can create conditions that allow teams to naturally build culture. The heart of the book lies in five intervention-centered questions, such as “How are people getting work done?” and “Where are people working?” These questions delve into the core of the employee experience, offering a pragmatic approach to cultural transformation.

One of the notable aspects of Open Culture Handbook is its accessibility. Jones takes complex concepts and distills them into an easy-to-read, concise format. The book doesn’t dwell on abstract theories but focuses on tangible and changeable aspects of the employee experience. This shift from abstractions to practicality makes it a valuable resource for leaders and managers seeking actionable insights.

The book is replete with instructive examples from companies that excel in answering the five crucial questions. Jones effectively weaves these real-world case studies into the narrative, providing readers with a clear understanding of how successful organizations have embraced a more open and organic approach to culture. Moreover, he offers specific techniques and practices that can be applied in any organization, ensuring that the book is not just theoretical but also actionable.

AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Open-Culture-Handbook-Engagement-Innovation-ebook/dp/B0CHYVJDW2

Jones addresses the longstanding issue of low employee engagement in American firms, highlighting the gap between the strategic importance of company culture and the actual execution by businesses. By emphasizing the need for a cultural mindset shift, decentralizing decision-making, implementing radical transparency, and tying self-organization to accountability, the author provides a comprehensive guide for leaders who aspire to unleash their organization’s full potential.

In conclusion, Open Culture Handbook by Drew Jones, PhD, is a valuable contribution to the literature on organizational culture. It offers a pragmatic and science-backed approach that challenges conventional thinking and provides leaders with a roadmap to cultivate a culture of innovation and growth. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or a frontline manager, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to drive positive change within their organization.

Garth Thomas