Today #TheSimonettaLeinShow continues its highly anticipated 6th Season, as the show welcomes American reality star from MTV’s infamous and beloved Jersey Shore, Deena Buckner aka “Deener”! As you all know Deena joined the pop culture phenomenon that is Jersey Shore back in 2010 on season 3 and has since become one of Jersey’s most recognized faces! Since her days at the shore with her roommates, Deena has married her husband Chris, and has become a mother of 2 beautiful boys. Deena still keeps fans in the know of her life as MTV continues to follow Sea Side’s favorite bunch on Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

In this “Jerstastic” interview, Simonetta gets the scoop on what it was like to join the reality TV show 3 seasons in, how Deena navigated sharing the wildest days of her 20’s on global television, and what it takes to maintain long-term relationships with her housemates for over a decade! Tune in…
Watch Deena Buckner on The Simonetta Lein Show on SLTV here:
Simonetta & SLTV would like to dedicate this episode to family, friends, and the pursuit of the American dream.
Executive Producer: Raphael Amabile
Senior Production Manager: Kate Massih @klmassih
Production Company: Ausonia Partners LLC @ausoniapartners