When people are struck with an innovative idea, some write it down and file it away into a dormant folder of things they believe can be great. Then there are others who reach into what can become, and pull greatness out of their moment of brilliance. Chris Gronkowski is one of the latter.
A retired NFL player, Chris not only runs a successful company – Everything Decorated – with his wife at his side, but also masterminded the revolutionary shaker bottle we know today through his company; Ice Shaker.

Frustrated with the shaker bottles he had been using for years, Chris created Ice Shaker. He conceptualised, launched, generated around $80,000 in sales, got onto ABC TV’s Shark Tank and was able to land a deal with Mark Cuban and Alex Rodriguez.
His meteoric journey into the business has not burnt out and sitting to share his story with Rhonda Swan of The Rhonda Swan Show, Chris shared his growth since starting Ice Shaker, from learning to accept that he couldn’t do it all alone, to what sets his shakers apart on the market, his experience facing the Sharks on Shark Tank and the paths that Ice Shaker is making its way along today.
The Rhonda Swan Show is ‘The Room’ for impactful, inspiring and educational conversations and interviews from those who have dared to follow their dreams, straight into the ears, minds and hearts of those with big ambition. That’s YOU!

Best Selling Author, International Speaker and World-Renowned Online Brand Strategist, Rhonda Swan is the Founder of Unstoppable Branding Agency and is dedicated to helping people turn their passions and dreams into a tangible and sexy reality.
Once we were wild, this is the time to re-wild ourselves. To return to our fierceness and truest form and expression as women, come be wild with us.
Watch Chris Gronkowski on The Rhonda Swan Show here:
This Episode is jam-packed with pure light along the leadership path.
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Article by DEZii