Dr. Vincent DeFilippo, PhD’s new book is Braking Point: How Escalation of Commitment Is Destroying the World (and How You Can Save Yourself). In it, Dr. DeFilippo arguably lays out a statistically-backed roadmap to, in effect, pre-visualizing the outcome of certain scenarios, and avoiding said outcomes by strengthening operant conditioning techniques based on adequate prediction of said outcomes. The effect is two-fold. Externally, it keeps one on a straightforward and sensible track, and internally it makes the individual feel empowered, in control of their life, and thanks to the mindset more symbiotically predisposed to maintaining a firm grip on the external traits, approaches, and maintaining of situational and personal outcomes.

ABUT THE AUTHOR: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-vince-defilippo-82b4bb246

“Decision-making is not an exact science. Anyone who tells you otherwise is imagining things. There are no firm rules, no sure-fire formulas, no guaranteed outcomes. The only time decision-making is like an exact science is in hindsight, when we are either crowing or face-palming,” Dr. DeFilippo writes candidly. “In the real world—whether of business, family and relationships, politics, education, or high finance—decision-making is an art that uses scientific methods to lead us to success. What success looks like depends on the context: de-escalating a disagreement, buying a car, choosing a college major, investing in the stock market, or navigating international relations.”

A good, pop culture analogy for the ideology Dr. DeFilippo presents is Minority Report, from 2002. Essentially, forming something of a Pre-Crime mindset – in this case, perhaps, a Pre-Visualization mindset – forming what he has coined the Avoidance of Escalations Commitment, or EoC. It’s an effective tactic that simultaneously trains one to be more self-aware, and a better observer of those around them. There’s never the sense EoC isn’t firmly based in logic, and to help with emotionally connecting to the reader DeFilippo provides personalized examples, and analogies. It’s a highly effective tactic, this balance, and one he’s able to utilize to full effect throughout the entirety of the book’s passages.

True to this form, Dr. DeFilippo states: “Let me be perfectly clear: Unless you have infallible precognition, a crystal ball, or a time machine, you will never know with certainty the outcome of most decisions you’ll make in life—primarily because there are so many unknown external factors that can influence the end result. Even the names you choose for your children can yield unexpected results (as any kid who’s had a class with three other children of the same name will tell you).

AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Braking-Point-Escalation-Commitment-Destroying/dp/B0C4N7X5JH

BUT, you can improve your odds of making a wise decision despite not knowing the future if you can ask and answer (some) simple questions…practical application of (my) ideas will make a seismic difference in our quality of life. It can aid us in what we as human beings strive for and hope to achieve. Staw and all the others provided the jumping-off point to explore challenging topics and develop real solutions to the complexities of modern business and modern life. Never before was there so simple a way to look at any issue and come to a solution.”

Garth Thomas