George is the janitor of a school just like yours. He wishes he could find a way to help the kids get fit and understand the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. But unfortunately, he just doesn’t know how. Until one day, a tiny fitness dynamo pops out of a magic comic book and changes janitor George’s life forever.
This is CAPTAIN PUMP – The World’s First Fitness Super Hero. The Adventures of Captain Pump is a children’s book series that takes the reader into a land of healthy and well being.
The story takes place here in the REAL WORLD but the lessons are learned in a magical land where healthy living and social acceptance and respect for all people are the ways of life; PUMPLAND. Of course there is always someone or something threatening the healthy ways of Pumpland. Villains from far and wide keep the Captain on his toes as he diligently keeps the citizens of Pumpland and his friend in the real world safe.
Jasson Finney has worked many years in the fitness and entertainment industries. His performing experience began in his teens as a drummer in several touring rock bands. Today Jasson is a working actor and stuntman in both film and TV (Gotham, Daredevil, Allegiance, Imperium, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and many more).
After graduating from University in kinesiology he dedicated many years to helping people attain their fitness and health goals. A seasoned fitness and lifestyle professional, Jasson has helped hundreds of people regain their health and fitness prowess.
Over the years, Jasson has gained invaluable experience in creating, promoting, and delivering professional “winning attitude” team building, fitness and lifestyle programs and seminars through his original programs that he included in The Adventures of Captain Pump. “Business Athlete” and “Hockey Athlete” target those wishing to live a healthy life, improve performance and boost confidence by applying athletic concepts to their daily lives.
The Adventures of Captain Pump is the culmination of his experience as a coach, trainer, and motivator that is sure to help kids Save the Day the Healthy Way!
A regular fitness expert for CBS, Jasson is passionate about making a difference in people’s lives. His mission is to help, teach and guide people to a healthy lifestyle as well as entertain and create in film and TV.
“Welcome to Pumpland, George! A world where fitness, health, and wellness thrive, where being healthy is the way of life. It’s also my home. Come on, I’ll show ya around.”
Captain Pump and George float over the majestic land. “Kids are playing . . .outside!” shouts an excited George.
“Yeah! This is the way of life here. Everyone is active. They play Frisbee, kickball,swim, jump rope, shoot hoops, throw balls, ride bikes, go on hikes . . . and so much more.”
“Wow this is amazing!” says George, “Do you really live here?”
“You betcha,” Captain Pump affirms proudly.
As they fly by the CP Tower, Captain Pump says, “We develop Pumpsters there.”
“Pumpsters?” says George.
“Yeah! We teach the important things in life—being fit, healthy, and kind to each other. Someone who is all those things is what we call a Pumpster.”
“Wow, that’s cool. I want to be a Pumpster!” exclaims George.
The Adventures Of Captain Pump: The World’s First Fitness Superhero is an incredible new book series that should be a an integral part of every child’s reading regimen. It’s a fun and all-inclusive series that makes learning about a healthy lifestyle fun for all.
The Adventures Of Captain Pump: The World’s First Fitness Superhero is now available for pre-order worldwide, and will be released on November 27th, 2018.
Reserve your copy on Amazon today:
For interviews or more information on actor/author/fitness expert Jasson Finney and The Adventures Of Captain Pump: The World’s First Fitness Superhero contact