Written by Lorraine Silvetz, MSW
In the midst of the historic architecture, cast iron buildings, bohemian vibe, art galleries and cobblestone streets lined with couture boutiques, the Soho district was home to a unique and incredible art exhibit by artist TATY. It was entitled “Portrait of Freedom” a new foundation launched by entrepreneur, Alexandr Sasha Gegera and Tatyana Horoshko whose mission is to promote centers to develop children’s talent of all kinds.

The term Soho is synonymous with contemporary art. And so it was not surprising that No. 76 Wooster Street became home to an art space, frequented by the likes of Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Julian Schnabel. In October 2011 Yoko Ono borrowed it to stage “Gimme Some Truth, The Artwork of John Lennon,” an exhibition of Lennon’s artworks and songs. It was very appropriate that Tatyana Horoshko’s art exhibit should be brought home to the legendary space that celebrated these celestial artists. Her work is no less exceptional and deserves to be among the stars of the art world.
The historic, spacious loft was lined with portraits of inspirational people including sports figures, Ukrainian war heroes, founders of many charities, rock stars and celebrities including best-selling author of “The Darkness of Goth” by punk rock musician, John Robb from the UK, TV Host of Profiles Mickey Burns, 3 Time Emmy-Award winning Anchor and 2 Time NY Times Best Selling Author, Rita Cosby, Studio 54 PR icon Queen of the Night, Carmen D’Allessio, Lisa D. White Deputy Commissioner of Mental Health at Mayor’s office, producer, Errol Rappaport, executive Director of non-profit Global Stress Initiative, Lorraine Silvetz, MSW, actress, singer, producer, Quinn Lemley, celebrity photographer, Billy Hess, just to list a few. The exhibit space was sponsored by the amazing SohoJohnny of Pep Real Estate and Let Me Help, Inc. The over 150 person crowd came to wish TATY well on her debut exhibit and celebrate her magnificent artistic talent. Many who’ve been lucky enough to have their portraits done by TATY say that she connects through her subjects eyes to their very soul – revealing their physicality as well as their inspirational spirit. It is as if she channels them, capturing their very essence onto a blank canvas that mirrors their nature.

To TATY every painting is a new adventure, a new friend, a new family member. Tatyana Horoshko was born in Kiev and is the creator of TatyDesignStudioInc. She received her education at the National Art Academy in Kiev, Ukraine, Parsons School of Design and the New School for Social Research. She was a painter in Vienna, Austria, Millan, Florence, Italy, and New York City, and has created art for brands including Dior, Ann Taylor Loft, Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, and others. In her own words “ I connect with the soul of my object and become them, so from the canvas is projected the soul or spirit of a person.”

The exhibit was not only a magical journey into the art and heart of TATY, but a huge social event as well. Hors d’oeuvres, and champagne were served as the crowd connected with one another as they marveled at her paintings. TATY included in her exhibition the paintings of legends including Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Freddie Mercury, Randy Edelman, Bob Marley, Adam Ant, Errol Rappaport, Billy Hess, benefactor SohoJohnny, and many others. In a special presentation she honored 3 Time Emmy Award Winning Anchor and 2 Time NY Times Best Selling Author, Rita Cosby and music and film producer, Tomaczek Bednarek with a romantic and beautiful portrait of them together. They were over the moon seeing the extraordinary work of art.

TATY would like to give very special thanks to Peprealestate.com, SohoJohnny, GTForce, LLC, Alexandr Sasha Gegera, Black Tie Magazine, Eileen Shapiro, Lisa D. White, Lorraine and Robert Silvetz, MD, Errol Rappaport, Jimmy Star, Judy Gilbert, Jane and Joe Pontarelli, Gloria Cressler, Charles and Olga Romaine of CCSets, Co., Ally and Char Romaine, Victoria Vladi, Cherry Castelvi, Billy Hess, Jeff Smith, Ed and Judy Schloeman, and World StarPR.
#tatydesignstudio #peprealestate #sohojohnny #letmehelpinc #globalstressinitiative #gtforcellc #sashagegera #blacktiemagazine #eileenshapiro #jimmystarr #worldstarpr #lorrainesilvetzofficial #lisadwhite #janepontarelli #joepontarelli #judychristygilbert #errolrappaport #gloriacressler #ccsetsco #charromaine #olgaromaine #victoriavladi #cherrycastelvi #billyhess #reflectionsnyc #edscholeman #operationwarriorshield #quinnlemley Photo Credit: Jeff Smith