Movies are a great way to escape from one’s reality and get lost and discover a whole new world. As humans we are always on the search for the answers of life’s mystery. Today I am speaking with filmmaker Filippo M. Prandi. His latest film “ My Last Best Friend “ is a modern day thriller starring Eric Roberts, Carol Alt and Rico Simonini. I was at the premiere in New York and loved the film. Here is my Q&A with the talented Filippo M. Prandi. 


Hello Filippo, thank you for taking the time out to speak with me and congratulations on your film “ My Last Best Friend.” Tell me what inspired you to write and direct the film?


Nice to meet you, David. Thank you for having me on The Hollywood Digest. I wrote “My Last Best Friend” as a tribute to a dear friend of mine who passed away in 2017. I wanted to make a film that would deconstruct the nature of friendship by portraying the most peculiar one of all; a friendship between two identical-looking men who share the same name and live under the same roof. 

I was inspired by true events but… I would rather not spoil the movie, which I know I would, if I told you the real life person who inspired the writing. 


What were some of your challenges directing the film?


Aside from the technical difficulties it’s hard to direct two actors who are not in the same room, at the same time.  After all acting is reacting. Thankfully I had a legend like Eric Roberts on set who could pull it off. 


Now that the film is done is there anything you would have done differently?


I wish I’d had a longer pre-production.


What have you learned about yourself as a director?


That I can pull it off. It might sound like setting the bar low but, as Clint Eastwood said after he made “Play Misty for Me” (his directorial debut); “If I can pull it off now, when I’m old I’ll be good at it.” In all seriousness, on your first feature film, you have to be able to discern between what you want to achieve and you can achieve, staying on budget and on time.


What do you think the film industry lacks?


Truly original stories. Dialogue-driven movies. Spec scripts. 


Who has influenced your vision as a filmmaker?


Costa-Gavras, William Friedkin, Warren Beatty, Nagisa Oshima, Orson Welles, Vittorio De Sica and Paddy Chayefsky (best screenwriter ever).


Do you have any future projects coming up? 


Yes. I have two feature films lined up. 

One I’ll be filming this year, which will likely come out in 2025. The next one, “The Crimes We Don’t See” an LGBTQ story is scheduled to be filmed in 2025. They’re both thrillers/dramas.  


What advice do you have for people struggling to make it in the film industry?


Be persistent. Be resourceful. It probably won’t happen as quickly as you want it to, it won’t happen as you hoped it would, but eventually it will happen.


If you could sum up in one word what your experience as a director is, what would it be?




Thank you for your time. Any words of wisdom to all the readers? 


If you’re going to try, go all the way.