Talk to us about what you’re up to right now. 

Right now I’m really excited to be planning for my new album release. It’s a full-length record called “Right Time,” we’re really proud of it! It comes out July 15th and we’re planning a big hometown release show at The Wayfarer in Costa Mesa.  The night is going to be masquerade/formal themed, I’ve got my band with me and two amazing friends & artists opening the show, Steve Carson & Doll Knight. So right now we’re in rehearsals and prepping lots of special details for the night. Can’t wait. 

Do you have anything that you’re working on that is not ready to be released yet?

Yes indeed – my new album “Right Time” comes out July 15th. We released the first single “Somebody Wants Me” back in May as well, and so far the response has been really positive; people seem to be enjoying it a lot. So I hope they enjoy the whole album just as much…and more! 

What is the most important part about your industry experience?

I think the most important experiences of my career have been touring. I’ve travelled in the states and Europe a lot on my own as a solo artist. I’ve also had some really incredible opportunities to be a support act for some amazing artists – Rival Sons, Vasco Rossi, Eddie Vedder, Glen Hansard – and those experiences taught me so much and helped me develop as a performer. There’s no substitute for getting out on stage in front of people who don’t know who you are, and doing your best to win them over and give them a great show.  

What are you most competitive about? 

My songwriting. Above all else that’s really what I focus on and push myself to keep improving at. I suppose I’m somewhat of a competitive person in general, but when I hear a really great song from another artist it’s alway like, “Damn! Alright, I gotta get back to work!” I think that’s a good thing. I’m always open to being inspired and challenged by other artists and that helps keep me moving forward with my own writing. 

What sacrifices have you had to make in order to get your career to where it is? 

I’ve sacrificed what a lot of people would consider to be a normal life.” Since my early twenties when I got really serious about writing and making my own music and thinking of it as a career, music has been my number one focus above all else. So that means a lot of late nights staying up to write, pissing off girlfriends, passing up some jobs to make sure I have enough time for music. Those types of things. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to “settle” into a more normal life, a more normal schedule, more financial security, etc. But I feel that making music is my purpose so I’ve willingly let go of certain comforts, and certain relationships, to stay on the path that I’m on. No regrets there. 


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