Good day, music lovers and listeners! Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with the talented and versatile musician Gareth Campbell, who has just released his latest musical masterpiece. Known for his innovative sound and heartfelt lyrics, Gareth has been captivating audiences with his unique blend of genres and musical storytelling. We are thrilled to dive deep into his creative process, inspirations, and the journey behind his newest release. Let’s get started!

Gareth, congratulations on your new release! Can you tell us a bit about the inspiration behind this music?

A Sole Journey captures various moments in my recent past and puts them to music. Buying my first home, falling in love, finding out that love wasn’t what it seemed, and an all-around fun song about supporting people who are living their best life.

How does this latest project differ from your previous works?

This project enters the jazz realm. The instruments, sounds, and style have challenged me to level myself up as an artist. Also, we went to OmniSound Studios in Nashville (now closed *sad face*) to record the instruments.

Can you walk us through your songwriting process? Do you have any rituals or routines when creating new music?

A lot of my songs are not planned. I will sit down with the guitar, start messing with chords, and words will come. Other songs, I will be doing something and a song will come to my head. The COOLEST thing is when I am sleeping and wake up in the middle of the night with a full song actually playing in my head. 

Routines? Meditation helps move me into a more relaxed state, unclouded by the day to day.

What was the most challenging part of making this music?

Probably the timing. I ran into a health issue that delayed being able to record the vocals.

Which track from the album are you most proud of and why?

Each song holds it’s own special connection. Two Hearts because I contributed the viola to the track. I Feel Electricity because the groove of it and the vocals highlighted some of my range and style. This Old House showcased spoken words for expressions, so that was something new for me. Summer Days because it just engulfs the listener in a tragic moment in my life. 

Blow Your Horn for the smooth silky vocals and Suzanne Grzanna’s saxophone playing.

How do you balance the technical and emotional aspects of your music during production?

Emotions can be strong when recording. For sad emotions, there is an evolving art to letting enough emotion come through in the vocals without sounding shaky. If you are channeling angry or hangry emotions, you can get some really vivid sounds.

Who are some of your musical influences, and how have they shaped your sound?

Dave Matthews Band. Their natural sound and emphasis on musicians rather than synth really spoke to me. There are so many! Classical music, Maroon 5, Boyz 2 Men, Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, AC/DC, Third Eye Blind, 311, Blink 182, Shinedown, to name some.

Can you describe a particularly memorable moment from the recording sessions?

Yesssss, there was a light bulb moment when I heard all the musicians in OmniSound come up with absolute magic and all in unison in about 10 minutes for each song. Inspired me to just go home and try anything and everything my brain came up with.

How do you decide which themes or messages you want to convey in your music?

This sort of just comes with the song that starts coming to me. It can be love, silly, sad stuff, I am open to whatever comes :-).

What role do you think music plays in today’s society, especially in these challenging times?

It brings connection between people otherwise isolated by their community or environment. As an artist, I can reach the far corners of the planet with a message that could be supportive or brighten someone’s day.

Thank you so much, Gareth, for sharing your insights and experiences with us today. It’s been a pleasure learning more about the creative process behind your latest release. We can’t wait to see where your musical journey takes you next. To all our listeners, be sure to check out Gareth Campbell’s new music and stay tuned for more updates from this incredible artist. Until next time, keep the music alive.

End of Interview