We have loved catching your IG lives – tell us more about them – how do they differ from your live show?
I have tried to keep them similar to my live shows in a sense that it’s the same material and I play with a set list occasionally and have tried new renditions of my original songs, but overall I want to make my virtual shows very personal and reach each individual as if I’m performing straight to them.
What has this time of quarantine been like for you?
A time of reflection and self-discovery. I’ve really reset myself in a sense that I have aligned myself with the goals and the paths that I’m meant to take and am focused on taking the steps to bring my music in the direction it needs to be. Before quarantine, I lost touch with myself and what I was trying to achieve and felt distracted for a while. Now I’ve had time to really focus on the music that I’m making and what I want to say.
During this time of social distancing – have you written any new music? Or are you working on anything new?
I’ve written a few new songs, but I’ve been taking this time to focus on finishing my first solely produced album that I’m eager to share with my supporters, which should hopefully be out sometime this summer.
What has been your favorite creative outlet during all of this quarantine time? Any new hobbies?
I’ve really been drawn to piano again, and I’ve been experimenting with some of my songs to bring new variations. I was classically trained, and have dealt rediscovered my outlet with my instrument. I also have been cooking a lot more, and have been trying recipes I’ve been dying to try, it’s been a lot of fun.
Anything else you would like to share with our readers?
I hope you stay tuned and follow my journey! I have a lot of exciting things to share this year, including new music!!
Tell us where we can connect with you online?
My website (www.codidillon.com) and listen to my music on ITunes, Apple Music, Spotify, and etc.
For interview inquiries: Bsquaredmgmt@gmail.com
End of Interview