Big Blue (also known as Big Blue – A Fishy Tale) is a wild ride of humor, friendship, and a hunt for the ultimate catch. Written and directed by Kris Hallesy and Matthew Aird (who also stars in the film), Big Blue tells the story of two lifelong buddies, Billy and Jesse, as they embark on an epic quest to catch Billy’s childhood nemesis: a legendary fish named Big Blue. With an offbeat soundtrack featuring songs from the rock band Vicious Kitty, Big Blue is a charmingly chaotic blend of adventure and heart, sure to reel in cult movie fans.


The movie revolves around Billy, portrayed by Verne Graham, and Jesse, played by Matthew Aird, who set out to conquer Billy’s childhood obsession with a fish that has haunted his fishing adventures for years. From the very first scene, the camaraderie between Billy and Jesse is palpable. Graham and Aird, who have a longstanding friendship outside of the film, seamlessly portray two friends who would do anything for each other, no matter how absurd the situation. Their chemistry adds a genuine warmth to the film’s slapstick humor.

What makes Big Fish stand out is its carefree approach to storytelling. The film never takes itself too seriously, and this self-awareness is its greatest strength. As Billy and Jesse stumble into increasingly ridiculous situations, the film keeps you laughing, from makeshift campsites to run-ins with quirky locals. There’s a lightheartedness to the movie that makes it an easy watch, and at times, it feels like a modern-day fairy tale, albeit one with a cold beer in hand and a fishing rod.

The soundtrack, featuring tracks by Vicious Kitty, TJ Express, Solid Mass, Cry Action, The Alpha Tree Project, The Jam Band, and Solid Mass perfectly complements the movie’s playful and rebellious spirit. Songs like “Treat Me Right” (Vicious Kitty) and “Cow Trippin” (Matthew Aird and the Jam Band) are catchy rock anthems that match the film’s tone, adding energy and fun to the characters’ hijinks. It’s clear that the band members have injected their personal love of music into the project, and the soundtrack could very well become as iconic as the movie itself.

While Big Blue may not be the most polished film, its rawness is part of its charm. The rough edges make it feel like a passion project made with love and humor, something that doesn’t need to be perfect to be enjoyed. Fans of indie films, fishing adventures, and offbeat humor will find themselves laughing, cringing, and maybe even shedding a tear by the time the credits roll.

In the end, Big Blue isn’t just a movie about catching a fish—it’s about chasing dreams, overcoming childhood fears, and the friendships that make life’s adventures worthwhile.

Garth Thomas