Another winter is drawing to a close, and as the days lengthen and the harsh chill gives way to more comfortable climes, two pioneering veterans’ nonprofits are preparing to make tribute to those who wore our country’s uniform. The March 23 event, a formal black tie Gala dinner at the posh Herrington On The Bay Inn And Yacht Club in North Beach, Maryland, is an official and symbolic way to commemorate the service and sacrifice of our veterans. The men and women of our Armed Forces have always protected our freedom, sometimes at life-changing personal cost. Returning to civilian life, bearing wounds both visible and invisible, many of these gallant heroes find themselves struggling with homelessness, long-term disability, and painful emotional struggles.

Assisting these veterans in negotiating these formidable challenges is the work of My Brother’s House and its sister charity, NAAM House Initiative, on whose behalf My Brother’s House is producing the Gala. Both organizations provide safe, supportive housing for undomiciled veterans, who often live with service-connected disabilities. “It was always my dream to do something for my fellow veterans,” says Executive Director Dr. Remolia Simpson, a US Army veteran. Working in close collaboration with NAAM House’s leader, fellow military alumni Dr. Lois-Lachel Migkins, each charity lives up to its charter one soldier, sailor, or Marine at a time. “Not all wounds are visible,” Migkins, herself a disabled Army war veteran, points out, “and many veterans’ struggles go unnoticed.” underscoring the importance of the groups’ efforts.

Patrons of the Gala, which will run from 5 to 9 PM, will enjoy fine dining, appearances by notable dignitaries, and popular performers of stage and song. The event will be kicked off by acclaimed author and motivational counselor Lt. Col. (Ret.) Cherrie Davis, and features a ceremony recognizing the stellar achievements by some of today’s outstanding veterans. Proceeds from the Gala will directly support both charities in their daily work to improve the lives of all veterans and their families. You can get tickets for the Gala here. It’s a great way to say “thank you for your service” to all who have answered the call to defend our nation!