The ever-evolving world of Ky.

Through years of transformative experiences, Ky’s empowering positioning is a product of self-value and healing. Being in the fashion industry modeling for over 10 years, Ky’s perspective was shifting and changing from opportunities such as international travel. Building upon this perspective, finding her way through the world and industry created an insatiable passion for people, communities and progressive change.

“The energy of the mind is your gift.” – Ky

After international travel, Ky settled in New York City where she grew exhausted of the industry and the obstacles that entailed. Feeling left unfulfilled, she realized her heart was telling her to leave the modeling world and gain control of her life and passions. During this focal shift, she faced internal conflict and confusion from years of judgment and egotistical treatment. Through these hard times is where she found her true self. Ky’s healing journey is a catalyst of creation. This transformative time in her life sparked Ky’s creation, CauseYouMatter. Through release, refinement and self-acceptance, she felt destined to establish a community to promote self-healing. Her wellness community is committed to spreading the idea of self-love, communication, healing and energy exchange. The CYM community will receive wellness remedy programs and special educational releases as a member. Together, inspired to elevate lives in harmony and unity, because we all matter.

For more information on Ky or to learn more about “Cause You Matter” (CYM) tap into the following links: 



